I'm British, So Filofax

Adventures in Trying to Organize My Life


Wasn’t Planning on Rain This Wknd… But PERFECT for Planning

I’ve had plenty of time to play with my planners this weekend due to this disgusting weather! More photos to come…   Here’s my collection! Always adding… I am preparing a blog of my organizational system in my office because I have some new goodies so that is on it’s way!

Until then here is my work station aka my desk (gotta love IKEA)…
I have also been researching what people keep in their Planner Supply Cases. So far @theresetgirl has a great one to look at for ideas… I just *happen* to have that case from Target. Meant to be I guess. 😛

The Reset Girl – What’s In My Planner Supply Case




Breaking News: Planner Addict Realizes She’s Hit Bottom

Okay so the bottom of planning addiction isn’t all that bad. Colorfully expensive but not all that bad. 🙂

I have come to some conclusions recently while trying to think of blog topics. I am too busy rearranging and arranging and doing and undoing to make any of them a logical stream of thought so I am going to list some of them here.

I’m a full blown addict. I came to this realization pretty harshly when writing a piece for Philofaxy and their Reader Under the Spotlight section. *cough14plannerscough*

I will forgo food to buy planning supplies I don’t need, especially when comparing to sustenance…

I have paperclips I have no idea when I could practically use except for photoshoots with my planners for IG and my blog.

My Pinterest has become entirely planner related… Eventually I am going to run out of things to look at… then what!?! I might have to actually accomplish something productive! The horror!

I have rewritten my plans so many times I don’t actually need a planner anymore. Planner peace is about as realistic as unicorns from where I am sitting.

I am a planner snob. If I google, interest, instagram, etc planner pictures and the poster has poor penmanship, I feel as if I’ve been robbed.

Watching TV has become watching Youtube videos of people describing their planners in such detail you’d think it would become redundant.

I’m so busy planning I forget the basics… like showering and going to bed.

I am on the verge of blocking Etsy from my phone because I find myself shopping at work…

I am on my fourth hole punch… I guess I am little rough on them.

In other news, my mum’s in England and when she comes back I’ll have a new member of the family!!!




50 Facts About Me

Hello everyone! Hope you are having a great beginning to your week! I am noticing the same names pop up again and again and want to get to know some of you more. I feel like we are already kindred spirits! 🙂

So here are 50 Facts About Me and I challenge you to post your own so we can learn more about each other!

1. I was born in England and moved to the US when I was 9.

2. I have a dog who is a rescue, mixed breed, all love, named Honey. She’s my world.

3. I enjoy signing my name.

4. When I was a toddler all my hair fell out. They thought I had alopecia. Turns out it was probably a dramatic reaction to having a new baby brother and extremely thin hair to begin with. 😛

5. That baby brother is no longer a baby and he is one of my best friends.

6. I drink more sprite than should be considered legal.

7. I both love and hate my handwriting.

8. My birthday is uber important to me. 5/20 for anyone who wants to know.

9. I get severe tension headaches and migraines. I have so much sympathy for people who have the same.

10. I dream of having a library like in Beauty & the Beast with a rolling ladder.

11. Which brings us to Disney, I am a fanatic.

12. I love trivia and quizzes and surprise myself with what I know!

13. I haven’t been to see a movie at the cinema since 2007.

14. The last movie I saw in the movie theatre was Frozen. That’s a big deal because I have a serious fear of movie theatres.

15. My dog looks like Timon from Lion King.

16. I’m easily distracted.

17. I’ve struggle to ride a bike, I have equilibrium issues. I also walk wobbly so I automatically fail sobriety tests stone cold sober.

18. I am covered in freckles and love it.

19. I think wittiness is one of my best qualities.

20. I love love love getting mail. Not the bills kind though.

21. I have a strange memory. I can remember extremely random details.

22. I love a good roast dinner.

23. I am not sporty at all.

24. I used to wear glasses and my dad said I looked like Lisa Loeb.

25. People now say my doppleganger is a younger Lindsey Lohan – pre rehab days.

26. I have a masters in Counseling Psychology.

27. I have no rhythm but music is my life.

28. I love to read.

29. I separate the skittles by color before I eat them.

30. I hate talking on the telephone.

31. I consider myself a good writer and hope others do too.

32. I love pineapple.

33. Galaxy hot chocolate can make any day better.

34. I’m more of a night owl than an early bird.

35. I need time alone to rejuvenate.

36. I wear a lot of neutral colors and I have no idea why.

37. I have moved several times and throwing things away feels like throwing memories away.

38. I never thought I’d own an IPhone but now it’s my bestie.

39. I think I have the best family in the world; hands down.

40. I enjoy doing crosswords and wordsearchs. I get that from my Nan.

41. I like to have everything planned but at the same time I’m very easygoing – if that makes sense.

42. Fish and chips is one of my favorite meals.

43. I think eyes or arms are the most attractive parts of a man.

44. I love surprising people or making their day with notes or thoughtfulness.

45. I’d like to write a book about my life one day. I’ve played around with titles. One is ‘Life learned all Wrong”. Satirical, don’t worry. 😛

46. I meet most of the qualities of a HSP (Highly Sensitive Person).

47. I love being photographed. Especially when I don’t know. The genuine smiles in pictures that you don’t know are being taken are the best.

48. I am scared of the dark.

49. I keep stuffed animals on my bed, even at my age, and I’m proud of it.

50. Filofaxing is a way of life. I don’t know what I did before I bought my first.

It was a lot of fun writing these facts up for you. I hope you enjoyed this post and learnt a thing or two about me. If you feel up to it why not attempt this challenge yourself. I’d love to have a nosy and get to know you a little bit better!

Thanks for reading!
