I'm British, So Filofax

Adventures in Trying to Organize My Life



So I found a Filofax dealer in jacksonville, FL. (Floored). It is a stationary store in San Marco called The Write Touch. And I got a filofax flex because, well, they had it and it’s filofax and I’m an addict. Don’t judge. Check it out.





Another Amazon fun find! Amazon

I changed out the notebooks as I had two A5s that were unused and pretty and gold. I’ll be using it as a brain dump one side and journaling the other.


I’m excited. And there’s a Filofax store in my area. They didn’t have much variety in actual agendas but they did have a pretty good selection of inserts… Especially for being in America. 😌 I can’t wait to go home and visit family and stock up on all things filo. My dad used to work for wh smith. I could have been set but dang it we moved to America.

Oh well sweet dreams filoaddicts. 😘🇬🇧😘


Awesome Haul!

I scored some cool stuff today at Michael’s and Office Depot…


The washi tape was all $1 or under. No joke. Is there someone who holds the record for most washi tape in the world? If not, we as a community should find that person and contact Guinness. The struggle is real!

I am also really excited about these Alice in wonderland stickers I found on etsy. Thinking up planner pages around them as we speak….


Any ideas Welcomed!!!


I Feel Famous!

I am loving the out there for Filofaxers is http://www.philofaxy.com – kind of one stop shopping for all Filofax knowledge there is to be known. I am on the website daily!


Amazing. When you decide to jump on this band wagon you will visit this bookmark often. So today I look on their site and I see this…

 If you can read it… down there near the bottom… #14 on their Web Finds for 10 January 2015 is… MOI!



How cool is that? I can’t wait to connect with more filovers. 🙂 It has also resulted in stats that WordPress felt important enough to tell me but could not appropriately graph… haha

I am thoroughly amused and thrilled! Consider today pretty okay with me and it’s only 8 am!


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Filofaxers Dreamland

Since I should be sleeping I felt it was appropriate to post about some *dreamy* Filofax things I wish for… since I can’t actually fall asleep to dream for real. 🙂

There are people who take theming there weeks to a seriously serious level that even my OCD can’t wrap my head around. They create ‘mood boards’ and such with the theme, color scheme, and possible supplies to use and then post them for hopers and wishers like me to ‘ooo’ and ‘ahhh’ over on the internet.

/home/wpcom/public_html/wp-content/blogs.dir/195/81484531/files/2015/01/img_0214.jpg /home/wpcom/public_html/wp-content/blogs.dir/195/81484531/files/2015/01/img_0215.jpg




/home/wpcom/public_html/wp-content/blogs.dir/195/81484531/files/2015/01/img_0212.jpg /home/wpcom/public_html/wp-content/blogs.dir/195/81484531/files/2015/01/img_0223.jpg

Yea… these are real life! I found them through pinterest mostly, jaggedlittlethoughts BlogSpot, probably had the most. But seriously! Talk about organization FOR organization. I need to be friends with these people!!!

I am nowhere near this level and by the time I was even a few steps closer it will be time to go back to less fun, more adult things and pay off all my debt from buying Filofax supplies. Hey… at least I am going to continue to be easy to shop for on holidays!!! 🙂

Sweet dreams.


Back from Traveling… More Room to Plan!

That’s probably the only perk of being back from my journeys but one perk is better than none. I wanted to update you guys on some pages I have created. I have all my supplies together and my laptop now so I am trying to get more creative. Trying…

I made some Inspiration Pages to go in the front of my Saffiano that are important daily reminders. The first page is just some pictures I pulled off pinterest (http://artjournaling.tumblr.com/post/37483806634/by-rosie), then there is an art journal page someone made that just sums it up perfectly and then a printable I found that will be a journal guide of things I will say “no” to this year. No more yes-ma’aming!

image1 image2

Then I am trying to plan my weekly pages ahead with a theme. So I have my week in Atlanta with the next couple weeks planned out…

image3  image4

This was my Atlanta week… this and the next week were kind of all over the place because I was on the road. The next couple weeks I themed. The first week is just a color theme (coral, green, and gold), the second week is missing Atlanta, and then the third week is Frozen. Let it go will be the mantra. Trust me.

image5 image6 image7

Then to take creativity over the limit 🙂 I made my own printable for expenses and a password log!


And, drum roll please, I made my own folder for the back of Filofax out of a file folder after watching a youtube video.

image10 image9

Yeah…. who would have thought it? Scissors and tape and glue and following instructions!

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Supply Chaos

I’ve been hoarding more and more Filofax supplies by the day… no… hour. As a result, my organizing system is constantly being rethought. I found these pictures online that use household products as holders in a large shoe box and it might work…. I would love a whole new room just to dress out in ikea stuff and for filofaxing but this is reality and I’m not Belle so no castle here.


Things I want for sure…
– easy to figure out and keep organized
– adaptable
– possibly portable (if I find something that isn’t, i will have a separate little organization kit like I do now when traveling)
– neat and hard to make clutter-y

My other idea is to get the smaller make your own caddy drawers from Target or such and use dividers in those. Someone on pinterest came up with a great idea for organizing washi tape by using old saran wrap holders decorated with scrapbook paper and packing tape for a laminate look. You could score clear pencil holders from dollar stores to separate pens, pencils, highlighters, etc. Then you could take a binder and put your stickers in sheet protectors by type, keep a washi tape swatch page so you know what you have already, and then use the divider folders for labels, unopened packets, etc. I currently have my extra filofax pages not in use in accordion style filing packets… but they were a dollar store find for my personal size and I already had a relatively inexpensive one for the A5 size paper. We will see if that sticks.

8) officially addicted.


New Plans

Oh Filofax… they are like your first true love… the one you love and cant ever let go of but hate with a passion at times!

So the A5 is too big for practical everyday use. Even my huge purses aren’t practical. And the personal size feels like I have giant hands when I am writing… and I have teeny tiny hands. So I have decided to separate the two.
The Domino A5 will be used as a journaling planner and the Saffiano (aka “Raspberry”) will be used as my every day planner. The set up is still a mystery as I am currently out of town and all of my A5 supplies aren’t with me. So I guess that gives me some time to pinterest, google, and think about what tabs that might entail.

I figured I’d show you a recent haul and *FINALLY* show you some of my pages from Raspberry. Suggestions and comments welcome!

So yesterday I went to a different Target dollar spot and Ikea and this is what I was able to pick up… a new bag for storage/traveling (ikea find), stickers galore, post its, etc… I also included some pictures of the washi tape and travel kit I set up before I left!


I am having trouble with the post its though. The less I try to spend on them, the less they stick to paper. Duly noted.

And some pages from my calendar. I am far from figuring out how to “theme” pages and plan ahead so it is very makeshift. I enjoy looking at my to do’s though and that was always kind of the point. So without further ado…


