I'm British, So Filofax

Adventures in Trying to Organize My Life


Breaking News: Planner Addict Realizes She’s Hit Bottom

Okay so the bottom of planning addiction isn’t all that bad. Colorfully expensive but not all that bad. 🙂

I have come to some conclusions recently while trying to think of blog topics. I am too busy rearranging and arranging and doing and undoing to make any of them a logical stream of thought so I am going to list some of them here.

I’m a full blown addict. I came to this realization pretty harshly when writing a piece for Philofaxy and their Reader Under the Spotlight section. *cough14plannerscough*

I will forgo food to buy planning supplies I don’t need, especially when comparing to sustenance…

I have paperclips I have no idea when I could practically use except for photoshoots with my planners for IG and my blog.

My Pinterest has become entirely planner related… Eventually I am going to run out of things to look at… then what!?! I might have to actually accomplish something productive! The horror!

I have rewritten my plans so many times I don’t actually need a planner anymore. Planner peace is about as realistic as unicorns from where I am sitting.

I am a planner snob. If I google, interest, instagram, etc planner pictures and the poster has poor penmanship, I feel as if I’ve been robbed.

Watching TV has become watching Youtube videos of people describing their planners in such detail you’d think it would become redundant.

I’m so busy planning I forget the basics… like showering and going to bed.

I am on the verge of blocking Etsy from my phone because I find myself shopping at work…

I am on my fourth hole punch… I guess I am little rough on them.

In other news, my mum’s in England and when she comes back I’ll have a new member of the family!!!



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Inspire Me

I have been neglecting you. I have been neglecting my planners.
I have, in turn, been neglecting myself.

I have signed up for some new adventures in hope of getting a rejuvenating boost of motivation. I just sent in a bio piece to Steve at Philofaxy and submitted an application to be part of Mrs Brimbles Creative Planner and Journal Design Team! Wish me luck! I could only dream!!!

I also signed up for a class through Rukristin called “Find Your Voice” which is a 6 week course to scrapbook your story.

Hopefully these things will help! I miss being creative. I have to make time or I’ll lose it! 🙂

Stay tuned!