I'm British, So Filofax

Adventures in Trying to Organize My Life


Wasn’t Planning on Rain This Wknd… But PERFECT for Planning

I’ve had plenty of time to play with my planners this weekend due to this disgusting weather! More photos to come…   Here’s my collection! Always adding… I am preparing a blog of my organizational system in my office because I have some new goodies so that is on it’s way!

Until then here is my work station aka my desk (gotta love IKEA)…
I have also been researching what people keep in their Planner Supply Cases. So far @theresetgirl has a great one to look at for ideas… I just *happen* to have that case from Target. Meant to be I guess. 😛

The Reset Girl – What’s In My Planner Supply Case




Pink. Pink. Can’t get enough Pink!

I have been neglecting my blog and searching endlessly for inspiration to do something different with my Filo. I love all my Filofaxes. I also get complacent… so changing between different versions keeps me interested and reminds me to look at it often. I feel like I’ve found the end of Pinterest though… possibly the end of the internet. It has been a while since I saw something and had an AH-HA THAT’S AN AMAZING IDEA moment and ran home to recreate it myself. Maybe I am just going through an adjustment period but I definitely miss the idealism I had back in December when everything was new and exciting and I didn’t have enough time in the day to work on the amazing ideas I had for my Filo.

It really hit home today when I stopped by Sam Flax in Atlanta to see if they had any 2015 vertical week on 2 pages for my A5 and the employee who helped me just happened to be the one I spoke with when I drove about an hour to a place outside Orlando just to pick up a new Filofax back in Decemeber. He remembered me as being the Filofax lady. Haha. Turns out his family owns Sam Flax and he relocated up to Atlanta. What a small small world…

So while I wait for inspiration to hit me like a ton of bricks I figured I would share my current set up. I am using my pink patent Filofax Domino A5. I venture away to others… Saffiano…. Finsbury… but I always come back to the Domino, my first love, it seems… so without further ado…

Here she is, in all her glory! I love the bright pink. So much so I use one for my work Filo also. The color is just so bright and cheerful!!! The only problem I have noticed is I want everything to be matchy matchy so I’ve become obsessed with making everything pink themed on the inside. Somewhat overkill but I am enjoying so far…

The dividers were made from a scrapbook collection by Authentique which I purchased at Hobby Lobby. Of course, I had to throw some Alice and Wonderland in there. 🙂

Here is my homemade dashboard with some pictures of family and friends… and a reminder to keep my muchness. Thank you Mad Hatter!

I have a homemade planner charm made from an Alice and Wonderland charm I acquired at Disney World when I went this past spring break and a ‘Drink Me’ charm I found in the jewelry making section at Hobby Lobby in a fairy tale collection of charms that were so cute it was hard not to purchase them all!

In an attempt to make up for the lack of pocket space on the inside cover, I have put my post its in a zip folder I had sitting around and keep that tucked in the big pocket. Problem solved!

I am using Month of two page inserts I had from my old Domino A5 and a Project Life card to mark the current month.

Desperate I pretty exhaustive search, I have been unable to find the week on 2 pages that are vertical so I am working with the vertical layout currently. This is the part where I struggle with having a pink planner and realize why I went with Black as my first planner… I want everything to match (cough*OCD*cough) and its hard to decorate the pages with just pink. Don’t get me wrong, I have separated all my pink and pink related washi tapes in to a separate container and pulled out any pink stickers, post its, and note pages I have and put them aside… but I am not sure I have the endurance to go all the way and decorate the entire thing with pink only accessories. Especially knowing I have a Filofax Original in Nude coming home with my Mum from England…

On the plus side, the pink paper finally made sense… 🙂

I have a goal tracker in place to monitor sleep (I have terrible sleep patterns), journaling, blogging, etc.


And I am also doing a no spend challenge for July! It is wishful thinking but I have to start somewhere!

Finally, this is July’s instagram challenge which I am hoping will be more motivation to be creative. This one if from @Paperheartofgold and so far, ahem day 2, I have posted each challenge!!! I celebrate small wins. 😛

So all in all, I am thoroughly enjoying my pink A5!

I have already started a pinterest board for gold/cream, black, and white themes and purchased gold pens for the Nude Original though so, as is always the case, I am sure change will be coming soon!



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Inspire Me

I have been neglecting you. I have been neglecting my planners.
I have, in turn, been neglecting myself.

I have signed up for some new adventures in hope of getting a rejuvenating boost of motivation. I just sent in a bio piece to Steve at Philofaxy and submitted an application to be part of Mrs Brimbles Creative Planner and Journal Design Team! Wish me luck! I could only dream!!!

I also signed up for a class through Rukristin called “Find Your Voice” which is a 6 week course to scrapbook your story.

Hopefully these things will help! I miss being creative. I have to make time or I’ll lose it! 🙂

Stay tuned!


Emma’s Filo Update!

I had some followers ask about my cousins Filo and how its coming along… since she doesn’t have  a blog of her own I thought I would share her work. I am super impressed and continue to realize how strongly we are related each time she shares! 🙂

There is nothing like a neat filo….

Emmas Filo

The inside is beaming with personality!

Emma Filo 2

She has gotten addicted to Project Life as well (that one wasn’t me) but she is so like me and it absolutely makes sense.

Emma Filo 3 emma filo 8

Emma Filo 6Emma Filo 4

Emma Filo 5

 She is planning a trip to NY later in the year so she had to find room for this!

   Emma filo 7

And she’s decorating like a pro!


She reads the blog so if you guys have any suggestions, comments, compliments, I’m sure she’d love to read them!!!



P.s. Ordered my first Fauxdori this past weekend… can’t wait for its arrival to share!



A Day Off!

So I was browsing through Michaels with my hands planted firmly in my pockets so as not to pick anything up and buy it when I found the Heidi Swapp Memory Planner at 40% off… so I cracked.
You can pretty much follow all the reviews along the way and most of them sing the same tune. It’s clunky, the pages don’t turn, it has four holes, even more difficult than Filofax in the US!, and it for how huge it is, there isn’t much content. I went through and kind of made it a quote binder. That’s about all it will be good for. For goodness sakes, the decoration pouch that came WITH it didn’t even fit the rings. I will say it is pretty on the outside and I am facing outwards on my bookshelf (I won’t mention that when I first put it up there it jumped in the trash can…hehe).

Heidi SwappDSC00990

DSC00991Brain Dump

I found an awesome website called Tatter Tots and Jello that gives you advice on how to print your own instagram pictures. They even have a word template you can download for printing. Find it here The site that loads your instagram photos is Instaport and it connects to your Instagram and uploads your photos to a zip file for a donation. Totally worth it. I’ll be taking the mason jar brain dump idea over to my Filo. Sorry, Heidi, you do scrapbooking wonderfully… but Filo is a planner for planners.

Bringing me to my new beauty, I scored a light pink personal size Finsbury online and I adore it. The rings on this are much better than the Saffiano. I thought I would be a Domino only girl until this beauty.


And, because we all know planner peace never really lasts very long, I have switched over to DIYFish inserts!!! I am using Series 3 Version 3.



Things I love: the times down the side to stop myself from double scheduling, extra space all over for writing and doodling, the fold out bullet planner style. Things I’m not so much a fan of: hard to decorate (I am not that great of a doodler and stickers and washi like you would a filo page make it too busy, small space to write appointments (so I have switched down to the Pilot Frixion Slims I got around Christmas, it takes up a lot of room and you can only really keep 1-2 months in at a time, the cost (but hey I paid it). If anyone has any ideas for decorating, I am looking viciously all over pinterest and not finding much so I am open to ideas! Anyone else use DIY Fish? Feelings?

Want to start taking bets on when I order a new set of pages and start all over again? Maybe I should make my own ideal page…. I mean everyone else seems to. Mental note to self: write task in Filofax to find information on making own inserts!

Oh and before I sign off, I scored a Create a Sticker maker for cheap and I am having a blast making stickers of my friends faces for when I hang out with them. 🙂 🙂 🙂




p.s. I was browsing Hey Charlie’s Etsy shop and saw this… she literally is selling a dashboard that perfectly matches the background I use on my laptop. Great minds think alike!!!!



I Feel Famous!

I am loving the out there for Filofaxers is http://www.philofaxy.com – kind of one stop shopping for all Filofax knowledge there is to be known. I am on the website daily!


Amazing. When you decide to jump on this band wagon you will visit this bookmark often. So today I look on their site and I see this…

 If you can read it… down there near the bottom… #14 on their Web Finds for 10 January 2015 is… MOI!



How cool is that? I can’t wait to connect with more filovers. 🙂 It has also resulted in stats that WordPress felt important enough to tell me but could not appropriately graph… haha

I am thoroughly amused and thrilled! Consider today pretty okay with me and it’s only 8 am!